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The Dartmouth Metal Shop Halifax & Maritime Provinces Use Most

Metals 'R' Us in Dartmouth has invested in top-quality equipment that allows us to cut your metal order to size quickly, accurately and efficiently while you wait. For instance, we’ve acquired a new ½-inch shear machine. Take a look at our equipment here and contact the metal shop Halifax and the Maritime Provinces use most!

Barcorp® Preci-Cut® Hydraulic Shear

We have Barcorp® Preci-Cut® Hydraulic Shear complete with programmable back gauge. Capable of shearing mild steel up to 8’ wide, 1/4" thick and a Ermaksen Hydraulic shear complete with touch screen measuring back gauge. Capable of shearing mild steel up to 10’ wide and 1/2” thick.

We have two computerized steel bandsaws

- HYDMECH S-20A equipped with cool mist spray, automatic CNC controls, miter cutting capable with 13’6” bandsaw blades able to cut widths up to 16”.

- HYDMECH S-23A equipped with cool mist spray, automatic CNC controls, miter cutting capable with 15’6” bandsaw blades able to cut widths up to 18”.

HYDMECH S-20A steel bandsaw
HYDMECH S-23 steel bandsaw

We have one gravity fed manual HYDMECH S-23 steel bandsaw.


85 Gloria McCluskey Ave, Burnside Industrial Park, Dartmouth, NS, B3B 2Z3|Main: 902-468-1112 | Toll-free: 888‑468‑9344 | Fax: 902‑468‑2464

Our mission is to supply the material our customers need upon demand.

Copyright Metals 'R' Us

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